There are many ways in which acid rain can try to be prevented, but it needs the full effort from everyone. Many of the things in out daily lives that we do contribute to the acid rain, so trying to limit these things would really help in the future. Some of these negative impacts include using coal with less sulfur and washing the coal. Power plants can burn different gases like natural gases instead of harmful gases. Also, doing these things can really help eliminate the smoke stacks that pollute today.
Something to also try and change is the way that energy is used, because there is more than one way to use it. Some types of these alternate ways include, hydro power, nuclear power, wind power and many others. The problem is though, most of these types of energy can be costly so that is why coal is still used today for many people. If the smoke stacks can be eliminated and some alternate energy source could be put in than there would be a great chance to reduce the devastation of acid rain. It's not just that though, people themselves need to know that things they do in their everyday lives are contributing to acid rain. There are many solutions to help try and reduce the acid rain problem and people need to realize what they are and what they can do to help prevent it.